In this paper, we consider the local time and the self-intersection local time for a bifractional Brownian motion, and t......
Deformation is an important research topic in graphics.There are two key issues in mesh deformation:(1) selfintersection......
Large-scale deformations of a tubular object, or generalized cylinder, are often defined by a target shape for its cente......
The contour of the slices of SLA parts is composed of a great deal of small lines. When offsetting the contour to compen......
Modern computer graphics applications usually require high resolution object models for realistic rendering. However, it......
引入两类新颖螺线,即讷氏(自然)对数螺线与内接圆螺线,二者均周绕渐近于一极限圆,前者在另一方面还具有曲线的自交点,这种情况在数学 史......
Swept volume solid modeling has been applied to many areas such as NC machining simulation and verification, robot works......